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  • Has Christmas got you going crackers?? Our stress free solutions to gifting this festive season will save you snapping & start your Christmas off with a bang! The nutcracker sits under the holiday tree, a guardian of childhood stories and handmade gifts! Pop him open to discover 3 handmade bath time delights, sure to make you feel sweeter than a sugar plum fairy!
  • Why can’t you wash up during Christmas? - Because the Fairy is on top of the tree!.. Don't worry, you won't have any awful jokes in your Christmas Cracker this year! This Cracker contains: Angel Above Bath Blaster - Bomb's very own guardian angel has been sent to bless you with pure Frankincense & Myrrh essential oils to calm your senses! Let the natural butters soften your skin as though its been touched by a feather! Urban Princess Bath Blaster - As our little bomb Fairy dissolves, she'll release her coconut and ylang ylang essential oils! With a pastel pink that glides across the surface of the water. Sugar Plum Fairy Bath Blaster - She'll sprinkle you with the magic of Christmas and leave you with that festive feeling! Let the power of pure Geranium & Frankincense essential oils leave you feeling serene and content.
  • Það er gott að hafa góðan ilm í baðinu það getur nært líkama og sál (mildur ilmur) Þessi olía freyðir ef hún er nuddðu í lófanum, þetta er alveg nýtt frá Meraki og lofar góðu. Hún er frábær í sturtuna líka í stað sápu.
  • A revitalising blend of thyme and eucalyptus with a dash of pine creates a fresh, invigorating scent. Perfect to energize body and mind, this hydrating Lotion contains nourishing olive oil to help revive dry and dehydrated skin, leaving it feeling silky soft.
  • A revitalising blend of thyme and eucalyptus with a dash of pine creates a fresh, invigorating scent. Perfect to energise body and mind, this nourishing soap contains olive oil to help revive dry and dehydrated hands, leaving them feeling silky soft.
  • Treat yourself to a refreshing facial treatment at home. Meraki’s anti-age facial mask is intense yet mild. It is full of active ingredients and antioxidants that give moisture and strengthen your skin’s elasticity and firmness. Make this facial mask a regular part of your weekly skincare routine, and your skin will feel more awake and firm than ever. Put your facemask on cleansed skin and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. Remove the mask gently. Massage the remaining cream into your skin. Avoid direct contact with your eyes. Suitable for all skin types. Each package contains one mask.
  • Northen Dawn handsápan frá Meraki hreinsar hendurnar á mildan og áhrifaríkan hátt. Lífrænt gulrótarþykkni hefur nærandi og rakagefandi áhrif á meðan steinseljuþykkni nærir og hreinsar húðina. Athugið!: Fersk appelsína, sedrusviður og sæt balsamik. Northern Dawn handsápan en ecocert vottuð   Pakkningin er úr endurunnu plasti, 1L.
  • Linen Dew handsápan frá Meraki hreinsar hendurnar á mildan og áhrifaríkan hátt. Sápan er rík af lífrænu þykkni úr bláberjum og brenninetlu sem stuðlar að nærandi steinefni og sölt. Rakagjafi úr sykurrófum styrkir náttúrulegar varnir húðarinnar. Athugið!: piparmynta og patchouli. Pakningin er úr endurunnu plasti, inniheldur 1L af Linen Dew handsápunni sem er ecocert vottað
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