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Sími 438 1121|kram@kram.is


    • Size:L: 125 x W: 49 x H: 99 mm
    • Materials:Hand carved wood, environmentally friendly paint
  • Fjara ilmkertið frá IHANNA HOME kemur í fallegum keramikbolla sem tilvalið er að nota áfram sem kaffi/te bolla, blómapott eða hvað sem er. Grafíkin á bollanum heitir Fjara og er innblásin af svörtum ströndum landsins og freyðandi hvítu briminu. 100% soy wax 35 klst / 220 g. Bómullar kveikur Ilmtónar: Fíkjur, græn kókoslauf og sedrus viður.
  • Öldur ilmkertið frá IHANNA HOME kemur í fallegum keramikbolla sem tilvalið er að nota áfram sem kaffi/te bolla, blómapott eða hvað sem er. Grafíkin á bollanum heitir Öldur og er ástaróður til hafsins sem umlykur eyjuna okkar. Hafið sem bæði gefur og tekur, verndar okkur að sama skapi og það nærir og svæfir. 100% soy wax 35 klst / 220 g. Bómullar kveikur Ilmtónar: viður, sítrus ávextir, blóm og vanilla.
  • Bast ilmkertið frá IHANNA HOME kemur í fallegum keramikbolla sem tilvalið er að nota áfram sem kaffi/te bolla, blómapott eða hvað sem er. Grafíkin á bollanum heitir Bast og er innblásin af deginum í dag. við dveljum flest meira heima við, prjónum, vefum og njótum fegurðarinnar í nýfenginni ró. 100% soy wax 35 klst / 220 g. Bómullar kveikur Ilmtónar: Patsjúlí, viður, tóbak og jurtir
  • Rendur ilmkertið frá IHANNA HOME kemur í fallegum keramikbolla sem tilvalið er að nota áfram sem kaffi/te bolla, blómapott eða hvað sem er. Grafíkin á bollanum er innblásin af deginum í dag. við dveljum flest meira heima við, prjónum, vefum og njótum fegurðarinnar í nýfenginni ró. 100% soy wax 35 klst / 220 g. Bómullar kveikur Ilmtónar: pine, lavender, eucalyptus, vanilla, cedar and oak moss.
  • Birthday Stories, Hare from Dottir Nordic Design Thora Finnsdottir has created a series of candlesticks, which embrace the Nordic ambience, which sets the north’s wildlife in its winter stories. Dottir’s new series is dedicated to children and childlike souls. Birthday Stories is a collection of small stakes in porcelain with animal motifs designed to celebrate children’s birthdays and, not least, thought of as a minor gift. You can purchase matching candlelight with loose transfers with numbers and patterns, so you can decorate the candles with exactly the colors and numbers that match the child’s year. The Hare measures: 87 mm x 80 mm Material: Ceramic and Porcelain Diameter for candle: 13 mm (bought separately)
  • Birthday Stories, Hare from Dottir Nordic Design Thora Finnsdottir has created a series of candlesticks, which embrace the Nordic ambience, which sets the north’s wildlife in its winter stories. Dottir’s new series is dedicated to children and childlike souls. Birthday Stories is a collection of small stakes in porcelain with animal motifs designed to celebrate children’s birthdays and, not least, thought of as a minor gift. You can purchase matching candlelight with loose transfers with numbers and patterns, so you can decorate the candles with exactly the colors and numbers that match the child’s year. The Hare measures: 87 mm x 80 mm Material: Ceramic and Porcelain Color: Mustard Diameter for candle: 13 mm (bought separately)
  • Birthday Stories, Hedgehog from Dottir Nordic Design Thora Finnsdottir has created a series of candlesticks, which embrace the Nordic ambience, which sets the north’s wildlife in its winter stories. Dottir’s new series is dedicated to children and childlike souls. Birthday Stories is a collection of small stakes in porcelain with animal motifs designed to celebrate children’s birthdays and, not least, thought of as a minor gift. You can purchase matching candlelight with loose transfers with numbers and patterns, so you can decorate the candles with exactly the colors and numbers that match the child’s year. The Hedgehog measures: Ø 80 mm Material: Ceramic and Porcelain Color: Moss Diameter for candle: 13 mm (bought separately)
  • Birthday Stories, Fox from Dottir Nordic Design Thora Finnsdottir has created a series of candlesticks, which embrace the Nordic ambiance, which sets the north’s wildlife in its winter stories. Dottir’s new series is dedicated to children and childlike souls. Birthday Stories is a collection of small stakes in porcelain with animal motifs designed to celebrate children’s birthdays and, not least, thought of as a minor gift. You can purchase matching candlelight with loose transfers with numbers and patterns, so you can decorate the candles with exactly the colors and numbers that match the child’s year. The Fox measures: 71 mm x 75 mm Material: Ceramic and Porcelain Diameter for candle: 13 mm (bought separately)
  • Birthday Stories, Fawn from Dottir Nordic Design Thora Finnsdottir has created a series of candlesticks, which embrace the Nordic ambiance, which sets the north’s wildlife in its winter stories. Dottir’s new series is dedicated to children and childlike souls. Birthday Stories is a collection of small stakes in porcelain with animal motifs designed to celebrate children’s birthdays and, not least, thought of as a minor gift. You can purchase matching candlelight with loose transfers with numbers and patterns, so you can decorate the candles with exactly the colors and numbers that match the child’s year. The Fawn measures: 62 mm x 90 mm Material: Ceramic and Porcelain Diameter for candle: 13 mm (bought separately)
  • Falleg lítil skál úr Samurium línu Finnsdóttir. Skálin kemur í fallegum gjafakassa. Hægt er að fá fleiri fallegar vörur úr Samsurium matarstellslínunni. Stærð: 6 x 13 cm Efni: keramik Litur: celadon / blágrænn
  • Pannan vinsæla sem er tilvalin undir góðan ost og allskonar gúmmelaði.
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