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Sími 438 1121|kram@kram.is


  • To celebrate 10 years of Nicolas Vahé and our love of great food, The Favourite Collection Box gives you our four most popular salt and pepper blends. From stews to steaks, salads and pasta dishes, these four blends add the final touch to a well-rounded meal and take yours from good to gourmet. The carefully chosen blends elevate your everyday dishes into unforgettable experiences for your family and dinner guests. Each mill comes with a ceramic grinder which gives you finely ground spices. This releases the oils for more aroma and flavour in your dishes. The box contains the following four blends: Salt / French Sea Salt Salt / Parmesan Cheese and Basil Salt / The Secret Blend Pepper / The Mixed Blend
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  • Uppselt!
    This light yellow Moomin for Pets silicone mat is designed to be used as a placemat for the smaller Moomin for Pets Food bowls. Silicone mat prevents the bowls from sliding while enjoying the meal. Machine washable. Size: 31 x 7 x 7 cm.
  • Our furry best friends also need their own Moomin series! Muurla ́s Moomin pets series consists of essentials that we feel like are the core items to a happy, furry best friend ́s everyday needs. This beautiful light green Moomin melamine food or water bowl has a separate steel inner dish with non-slip rubber pieces in the bottom. Dishwasher safe. Stærð : 27 x 27 x 8 cm.
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  • A multifunctional candleholder. Each piece can be used separately or be assembled exactly as you desire. For either tealights or crown candles depending on which way you turn the candleholder.  
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  • Fallegur vasi úr Samsurium línunni frá Finnsdóttir. Vasinn kemur í fallegri gjafaöskju. Vasinn eru úr keramiki. Stærð: 14 x 8,7 cm
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  • Salt krús

    1.990 kr.
    Sæt gler salt krús frá Ib Laursen. Hæð : 8cm Þvermál : 9,5cm
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  • Material :100% cotton
    Dimensions in cm : W: 130 L: 160
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  • Emileraður bolli frá finnska merkinu Muurla 3,7 dl. Má fara í uppþvottavél Má ekki fara í örbylgjuofn.
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  • Falleg lítil skál úr Samurium línu Finnsdóttir. Skálin kemur í fallegum gjafakassa. Hægt er að fá fleiri fallegar vörur úr Samsurium matarstellslínunni. Stærð: 6 x 13 cm Efni: keramik Litur: celadon / blágrænn
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  • Winter Stories: The cheerful and magical tale. Winter Stories embrace the room and bring you warm and friendly companionship in the long, cosy days of winter. Category: Winter Stories Material: Porcelain Diameter for candle: 22 mm (bought separately
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  • Winter Stories: The cheerful and magical tale. Winter Stories embrace the room and bring you warm and friendly companionship in the long, cosy days of winter. Category: Winter Stories Dimensions: H: 180 mm D: 130 mm Material: Porcelain and Brass Candle: Standard tealight  
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  • Birthday Stories, Hare from Dottir Nordic Design Thora Finnsdottir has created a series of candlesticks, which embrace the Nordic ambience, which sets the north’s wildlife in its winter stories. Dottir’s new series is dedicated to children and childlike souls. Birthday Stories is a collection of small stakes in porcelain with animal motifs designed to celebrate children’s birthdays and, not least, thought of as a minor gift. You can purchase matching candlelight with loose transfers with numbers and patterns, so you can decorate the candles with exactly the colors and numbers that match the child’s year. The Hare measures: 87 mm x 80 mm Material: Ceramic and Porcelain Color: Mustard Diameter for candle: 13 mm (bought separately)
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  • Ískúluskeið

    2.950 kr.
    Dishwasher No
    Dimensions in cm W: 6 H: 3,5 L: 21,8
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  • kertaglas 8 cm - snufkin
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  • Það er gott að hafa góðan ilm í baðinu það getur nært líkama og sál (mildur ilmur) Þessi olía freyðir ef hún er nuddðu í lófanum, þetta er alveg nýtt frá Meraki og lofar góðu. Hún er frábær í sturtuna líka í stað sápu.
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  • Hver þarf ekki að fá smá „glow“ á andlit á þesum tíma árs? Þessir sjálfbrúnku dropar frá Meraki eru umhverfisvottaðir og hægt að nota allt árið um kring. Getur notað þetta með þínu andlitskremi eða líkamskremi, þú byrjar bara að setja 1-3 dropa í þitt krem og blandar saman áður en þú berð kremið á þig (í andlit eða á líkama) má nota á hverjum degi svo smá saman finnur hver og ein hversu marga dropa hver og einn þarf á sýna húð. Þú færð heilbrigðan litar hátt með þessum dropum.
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  • Herbergissprey - white tea 100ml.
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  • Ilmkerti nordic pine stærri gerð - 35 klst.
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  • Ilmstangir frá Meraki.
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  • Body lotion. Nærandi body lotion sem hentar vel fyrir alla. Kremið ilmar dásamlega vel og inniheldur Aloe Vera og E-vítamín sem hafa róandi áhrif á húðina. Gott er að bera kremið á sig eftir sturtu eða hvenær sem er dagsins og húðin verður slétt og mjúk. Kremið er ekki prófað á dýrum. 250 ml.
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  • Fallegt skurðarbretti úr sérmeðhöndluðum birkikrossvið frá finnska merkinu Muurla.
    • Má fara í uppþvottavél
    • Mismunandi myndir á hvorri hlið
    • Stærð: 13x33 cm
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  • Fallegur bolli frá Ib laursen Litur : sandy dunes Stærð: W: 9 H: 10,5 L: 12,7
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  • Gjafapakkning frá Meraki – Northern dawn Handsápa og handáburður 2 x 275ml
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  • Mjög flottir og handgerðir frá Bungalow. Vitringarnir þrír Baltasar, Melkíor og Kaspar. Hæð 20,5 cm  
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  • Órói fuglar

    9.900 kr.
    Ótrúlega fallegur órói sem setur punktinn yfir i-ið í barnaherberginu.
    Ø36xH105 cm
    Komposition: Wood,Jute
    Colour finish: Dyed
    Product finish: Felted
    Washing instruction: Brush Clean
    Bleaching: No
    Drying: No
    Ironing: No
    Dry Clean : No
    Filling: Polyester
    Zipper: None
    Other Specifications: For decoration only - Not a toy
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  • Uppselt!
    Taking on your day or taking on the world, this bag is the best thing to have by your side. With a padded compartment for your laptop or tablet (15" or smaller) and enough space for notebooks, water bottle, an extra sweater and more this size is ideal for staying on the move. Stærð/size 32cm x 23cm x 10
    • Outer material: weather resistant matte nylon (triple coated)
    • Base material: weather resistant canvas (triple coated)
    • Lining material: matte nylon
    • Hardware: galvanised, smoked, branded metal.
    • Straps: cotton webbing
    All of our bags are vegan.
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  • Útsala!

    Joanna blússa hvít – Kaffe BARA TIL Í 34, 36 OG 38

    Original price was: 11.990 kr..Current price is: 6.000 kr..
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  • Útsala!

    Silona blússa – Kaffe BARA TIL Í 38, 40 OG 46

    Original price was: 9.900 kr..Current price is: 4.900 kr..
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  • Útsala!

    Freyja kjóll hvítur – Kaffe BARA TIL Í 36 OG 40

    Original price was: 14.990 kr..Current price is: 7.500 kr..
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