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  • Inside the bauble, a hare cuddles up among the trees. Winter Stories Hare Votive Ball is designed for a tealight, and the light casts a beautiful glow inside the bauble. Dia 14 cm.
  • Surprise the hostess of the evening, a friend or neighbour with this gift box from Nicolas Vahé. It’s nothing less than the essential seasoning duo for everyday use and beyond. The French sea salt is harvested from the Mediterranean and is ideal for just about any dish and any occasion. Just as classic and popular, the organic black peppercorns make this duo ideal for the dinner table and any dish under the sun. Everyone loves a surprise of the culinary kind. Size: 60 g., 120 g. Content: organic black peppercorns.// french sea salt.
  • Uppselt!
    This gift box from Nicolas Vahé contains the seasoning needed to perfect your dishes. The organic Secret Blend is a salt mixed with lavender, sundried tomatoes, black pepper, thyme, rosemary, and garlic. All the herbs and spices you need to turn an everyday meal into an experience. That’s the secret of the blend. If you want to elevate the flavours in your Asian and Mexican dishes, the organic salt with garlic and red chilli pepper does the trick. It is equally ideal for pasta dishes when you want to turn up the heat. Surprise the hostess of the evening, a friend or neighbour with this gift box from Nicolas Vahé. Everyone loves a surprise of the culinary kind. Content: salt 96%, sundried tomatoes*, garlic*, thyme*, rosemary*, lavender flowers*, black pepper* // salt 98%, red chilli pepper*, garlic*.* = organic. NUTRITION / 100 G. Energy kJ:48 Energy kcal:11 Fat:0 - Of which saturates:0 - Monounsaturated (g):0 - Of which polyunsaturates:0 Carbohydrate:1.6 - Of which sugars:0 Fibre:0 Protein:0 Salt:95
  • Útsala!

    Amilia shirt dress – Kaffe

    Original price was: 17.900 kr..Current price is: 9.000 kr..
  • Ostabox sem gerir það EASY fyrir þig að geyma ostinn án þess að nota plastpoka. Boxið verndar ostinn, það er þétt en hleypir raka út og tryggir gott geymsluþol. Ekki skemmir fyrir hvað það er umhverfisvænt að losna við alla óþarfa einnota plastpokana! Það passa ostar allt að 1 kg. í EasyCheese ferkantaða boxið. Okkar reynsla er sú að allir ferkantaðir ostar nema Sveitabiti passa í boxið. En Sveitabiti er yfirleitt rúmlega 1 kg. Það er þó einfalt að taka nokkrar sneiðar af honum til þess að hann passi betur.
    • Stór og lítil oststykki - allt að 1 kg.
    • Ferskari ostur sem geymist lengur
    • Fljótlegt og auðvelt að bera fram
    • Notaðu meira af ostinum
    • Hreyfanlegur botn
    • Efni: Varan er gerð úr viðurkenndu ABS-T00 plasti fyrir matvæli.
    • Þrif: Má fara í uppþvottavél
    • Mál: 118 x 91 x 105 mm
  • Útsala!

    Yrsa kjóll röndóttur – Freequent

    Original price was: 8.990 kr..Current price is: 4.000 kr..
  • 100% økologisk bomull.
  • Útsala!

    Cellani skyrta græn

    Original price was: 7.990 kr..Current price is: 4.000 kr..
    • Size:L: 159 x W: 53 x H: 115 mm
    • Materials:Hand carved wood, environmentally friendly paint
    • Size:L: 73 x W: 73 x H: 105 mm
    • Materials:Hand carved wood, hand painted in non-toxic water based paint, metal hook
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