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  • Sulta Fíkju

    1.350 kr.
    Fullkomin með hvítmygluostum eða hverju sem er.
  • To celebrate 10 years of Nicolas Vahé and our love of great food, The Favourite Collection Box gives you our four most popular salt and pepper blends. From stews to steaks, salads and pasta dishes, these four blends add the final touch to a well-rounded meal and take yours from good to gourmet. The carefully chosen blends elevate your everyday dishes into unforgettable experiences for your family and dinner guests. Each mill comes with a ceramic grinder which gives you finely ground spices. This releases the oils for more aroma and flavour in your dishes. The box contains the following four blends: Salt / French Sea Salt Salt / Parmesan Cheese and Basil Salt / The Secret Blend Pepper / The Mixed Blend
  • Pannan vinsæla sem er tilvalin undir góðan ost og allskonar gúmmelaði.
  • Þetta er vinsælasta sírópið frá Nicolas Vahé og er frábært í nánast allt sem maður notar síróp alment í mæli með að prófa þetta Iniheldur: Syrup (sugar, water), 0,5% natural caramel flavoring, colours (caustic sulphite caramel, titanium dioxide)

    Næringargildi / 100 G.

    Energy kJ: 1153

    Energy kcal: 271.2

    Fat: 0.1

    - Of which saturates: 0.1

    Carbohydrate: 67.8

    - Of which sugars: 67.8

    Fibre: 0.1

    Protein: 0.1

    Salt: 0.1

  • Uppselt!
    Vinsælasta sultan frá Nicolas Vahé, frábær á brauðið, út i skyrið, gríska jókurt, sem ís sósa, blanda við þeittan róma á marens kökuna, ostabakkan og miklu meira inniheldur:Cane sugar, 28% puree of coconut (water, 27% coconut milk, 9% shredded coconut, sugar, maltodextrin, coconut flavouring, sodium caseinate (@milk)), 25% passion fruit, gelling agents (pectins, calcium citrates). Prepared with 36 g fruit per 100 g. Total sugar content: 55 g per 100 g.
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