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Sími 438 1121|kram@kram.is


  • Fallegt orginal sænskt englaspil. Silfurlitað kemur líka í gull.
  • This gift box from Nicolas Vahé is ideal when you want to add heat and classic flavours to Italian-style dishes, dips and salads. The salt with parmesan and basil is a no-brainer for perfecting pasta dishes, risotto and pizza. With the salt and chilli blend, your dishes get a spicy undercurrent. Use it as the finishing touch to roast potatoes and vegetables, meats and dressings. Surprise the hostess of the evening, a friend or neighbour with a token of appreciation. Everyone loves a surprise of the culinary kind Content: sea salt 97%, parmesan cheese 3% (@milk, salt, rennet), dehydrated basil, parsley powder, essential basil oil, anti-caking agent E535. // sea salt 96%, chilli flakes, dried bird’s eye chilli, cayenne pepper, ginger. NUTRITION / 100 G. Energy kJ:51 Energy kcal:12 Fat:0.9 - Of which saturates:0.6 - Monounsaturated (g):0 - Of which polyunsaturates:0 Carbohydrate:0 - Of which sugars:0 Fibre:0.1 Protein:1.0 Salt:96
  • This gift box from Nicolas Vahé contains two classic salt blends for great cooking. The salt and pepper blend called The Everyday Mix is the very foundation for delicious meals. It’s essentially the one you’ll miss if you don't have it on the table. The salt and wild garlic blend comes with a light and delicate garlic flavour that elevates your steaks, roast potatoes and dips. Gift it to the hostess, a friend or neighbour. Everyone loves a surprise of the culinary kind. Content: salt 90%, pepper 10%. // sea salt 87%, dried shallot 5%, dried wild garlic 4%, dried garlic 3%, parsley. NUTRITION / 100 G. Energy kJ:51 Energy kcal:12 Fat:0.9 - Of which saturates:0 - Monounsaturated (g):0 - Of which polyunsaturates:0 Carbohydrate:0 - Of which sugars:0 Fibre:0.1 Protein:1.0 Salt:86
  • Uppselt!
    This gift box from Nicolas Vahé is an essential seasoning duo for everyday use and beyond. The French sea salt is harvested from the Mediterranean and is ideal for just about any dish and any occasion. Just as classic and popular, the black peppercorns make this duo ideal for the dinner table. Gift it to the hostess, a friend or neighbour. Everyone loves a surprise of the culinary kind. Content: black peppercorns. // French sea salt. NUTRITION / 100 G. Energy kJ:51 Energy kcal:12 Fat:0.9 - Of which saturates:0.6 - Monounsaturated (g):0 - Of which polyunsaturates:0 Carbohydrate:<0.1 - Of which sugars:<0.1 Fibre:0.1 Protein:1 Salt:96
  • Trébretti

    3.690 kr.
    W: 15 H: 1,5 L: 30
  • Mjúkur og sætur hamstur sem kemur í glærri kúlu sem hægt er að nota sem hamstrakúlu Hægt að láta hamsturinn hlaupa í kúlunni eða setja hann beint á gólfið. Hamsturinn skynjar þegar hurð og veggur er fyrir framan hann Gefur frá sér 20 hljóð Notar 2AAA batterí – (fylgja ekki) ATH ekki er hægt að velja lit. Ef keyptir eru fleiri en 1 hamstur er passað upp á að þeir séu ekki eins. Ef það eru sérstakar óskir er hægt að setja athugasemd í pöntunarferli
  • Uppselt!
    Íslensk Flóra 50x70cm Ath. rammi fylgir ekki með.
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